Wall Street Journal Showing True Colors – How Low Can You Go?

The lead editorial in today’s Wall Street Journal is headlined “The Libertarian Alternative: An option for the many Never Trump, Never Clinton voters.” After throwing cold water on “the mooted third-party campaign from within the GOP,” the Journal makes its case:

The Libertarians will offer a policy alternative to both candidates on free trade, and perhaps on taxes if Mr. Trump doesn’t clarify his position on taxing the rich. They’ll also contrast with the Republican on immigration. Mr. Johnson could help himself by reassuring voters that he isn’t one of those libertarians who thinks the only defenses we need are anti-missile batteries and the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Mr. Johnson isn’t likely to win a state, but he can still play a useful role by reminding the major party candidates that they aren’t the only choices. Mr. Trump seems to think he can say whatever he wants because millions of voters are repelled by Mrs. Clinton. The Libertarians give these voters an honorable alternative if Mr. Trump makes himself unacceptable.


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Recommended Reading:

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