Trump’s 1238 Delegates Surpass the Needed 1237. What’s Next?

Trump has obtained and surpassed the magic number of needed delegates to clinch the Republican nomination. The only remaining question is what happens next. 


Throughout the recent months, there have been some crazy developments within the Republican party, and specifically within the Republican National Committee.


For one, Reince Priebus has expressed hisdislike of Trump on a number of occasions. He’s also made it clear that he believes the party controls the choice, not the voters. He’s also
given the party authority over the convention, which is a little more practical, but he’s underestimating Trump’s authority over the American voters who will attend that convention.

Priebus compared what’s going on in the Republican party to what’s happening in the Democratic party, where Schultz is having to deal with Sanders. However, Schultz is not someone I would ever reference in any positive manner, she’s on the way out anyway, and Sanders has a lot of power over his voters as well. And it’s no small number of voters supporting Sanders, mind you.

With that being said, Trump has officially reached and surpassed the needed delegate count of 1237, and regardless of what people in high places might think, he’ll be the GOP nominee. There are laws protecting that decision, and there’s nothing the RNC can do about it, legally.

Fox News –
 Donald Trump has reached the number of delegates needed to clinch the GOP presidential nomination, securing his status as the presumptive Republican nominee and avoiding a contested convention, according to a delegate count released Thursday by the Associated Press.

The AP reports that Trump was has reached 1,238 delegates, put over the 1,237 needed to win the nomination by a small number of the party’s unbound delegates who said they would support him at the convention. Trump will most likely add more delegates to his total before the convention in Cleveland, giving him a comfortable victory.

Trump’s achievement marks the completion of a primary campaign that has upended the political landscape and defied multiple predictions of failure from political commentators. It now sets the stage for a bitter fall campaign against likely Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

At a press conference in Bismarck, North Dakota, Trump thanked the delegates for being the ones who helped get him over the 1,237 line.

Read more.

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